APANUI ~ Matariki
APRA Maioha & Tui Award winner Ngahiwi Apanui presents his fourth studio album 'Matariki'. Recorded in 100% Te reo Maori the 11-track CD features an upbeat reggae version of the iconic New Zealand song "Pokarekare ana".
The 11-track disk is recorded in 100% Te reo Maori and features the current Iwi radio single, anupbeat reggae version of the iconic New Zealand song 'Pokarekare ana'. This single along with the non-album song 'Everyday' feat Tyna and Kirsten Te Rito are meaning that Apanui is currently enjoying great airplay across radio.
Matariki is funded by theTe Mângai Pâho funding scheme and as such has strong support throughout the Iwi radio networks nationwide.
1. Tâtai
2. Matariki
3. Te Marama (Te Whakataki)
4. Te Marama
5. Tçnâ râ te Ara
6. Pôkarekare Ana
7. Kô Kô
8. I toko Ake
9. Tukua
10. E Pari
11. E te Kôkâ